Friederike Ziegler

I coordinate RISE research and contract work in the area sustainable seafood. Together with societal actors, we characterize the environmental footprint of seafoods. Seafood can originate in fisheries or aquaculture, in lakes, the ocean - or in tanks on land. Seafood comprises fish, crustaceans, algae and molluscs such as mussels and squid - everything edible that has lived in water! Seafood has a great potential as a nutritious and sustainable part of our diet, if we choose carefully among species and production methods. Most of the seafood we eat in Sweden is imported and to reach a more sustainable seafood consumption, we therefore need to improve production both in Sweden and in other countries. The seafood sector not only consists of producing companies, but also by those who create products from raw materials of different origin and need guidance in their sustainability work. The aim is to identify improvement options on different levels to push both production and consumption towards increased environmental performance. We do this both in the form of long-term research projects and shorter contract work in which we apply our research findings. We also do other types of quantitative investigation in the seafood area and regularly host and supervise both B.Sc., M.Sc. and Ph.D. students for several universities in Sweden and abroad.
- Life cycle environmental impacts of kelp aquaculture through harmonized recalcu…
- Branschgemensam metodik för att beräkna klimatavtryck för livsmedelsprodukter
- Is renewing Icelandic demersal trawling vessels resulting in lower greenhouse g…
- Greenhouse gas emission reduction opportunities for the Norwegian salmon farmin…
- Fished or farmed : Life cycle impacts of salmon consumer decisions and opportun…
- Nutrient yields from global capture fisheries could be sustainably doubled thro…
- The role of fisheries and fish farming in a circular food system in the Europea…
- Metod för beräkning av svensk sjömatskonsumtion
- Driver svensk konsumtion av odlad lax ökat svenskt industrifiske i Östersjön?
- Greenhouse gas emissions of rainbow troutfed conventional and novel feeds from …