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National Metrology Institute (NMI)

RISE hosts the Swedish National Metrology Institute (NMI), which means that we maintain primary measurement standards. I addition, we coordinate and represent Sweden in international metrological contexts.

Metrology, the science of measurement and its applications, is fundamental to international cooperation in trade and research and contributes to streamlining both industry and society.

Most countries have their own National Metrology Institute which is recognised globally and is part of an international system which facilitate recognition of national measurement standards and measurement capabilities.  National metrology institutes (NMIs) have the responsibility of maintaining national measurement standards and disseminating the international System of Units nationally.

According to the Swedish constitution, RISE is responsible for maintaining traceability for 32 physical quantities. These are currently distributed over 14 RISE laboratories, each responsible for maintaining national measurement standards. The assignment includes the most common physical areas as well as measurement technology activities in the field of chemistry and results in an extensive range of advanced calibration services as well as course and research activities in metrology.