The Swedish Nutrient Platform - Membership
The Swedish Nutrient Platform gathers key stakeholders that have the possibility to influence and push towards maximizing nutrient reuse in Sweden.
As a memeber in the Swedish Nutrient Platform you contribute to creating conditions for action-based research with strong participatory processes, needed to drive this interdisciplinary area forward.
The Platform creates a resource for up to date knowledge and an independent contact area for project development in collaboration. It assists with knowledge gathering and dissemination, process management, project impementation and joint activities.
Its greatest valus is created through discussions and co:creation amongst actors from the entire value chain, from wastewater management to the use of recovered nutrients on productive land.
Joint work meetings, events and study visits are key activities within the platform. Together we can cover and provide a solid monitoring nationally and internationally, of the development within the area.
In order to participate at work meetings and in projects conducted under the auspices of the platform, you need to be a member of the platform. As a member you get access to the membership portal where ongoing projects, project ideas, information collection and reports are shared.
Members also participate in events and study visits to the actual cost. Members who are municipal actors pay a membership fee based on the population size and other players pay a fixed anual membership fee. Exact cost estimates are being prepared. Updated info on this and how to apply for membership will be published soon!
A vision on the slightly longer term is that there will be reserved project funds that are earmarked to finance and run needs-based co:creative projects.
What do I get access to as a member?
As a paying member in the platform your organisation has:
- Access to the membership portal (i.e. reports, international up-to-date info of the area, ongoing projects, forums for discussion)
- 4 digital meetings for project development per year
- Participation at the anual SNP event as well as other events under the auspices of the platform.
- Project management of collaborative efforts
- Presentation of your organisation on the website.
Det största värdet av plattformen skapas genom samverkan mellan aktörer från hela värdekedjan; från avloppsvattenhantering till användning av återvunna näringsämnen på produktiv mark.
Tillsammans håller plattformen en omvärldsbevakning och tillsammans skapar vi ett kollektivt lärande.