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9 out of 10 Swedes want charging stations to be inspected – but there are still no regulations

03 September 2024, 07:25

Over 92 percent of Swedes believe that there should be mandatory inspections of charging stations. This is shown by a new survey conducted by Origo on behalf of RISE. However, despite the rapid expansion of the charging infrastructure, there are currently no requirements for regular inspections, which risks leading to poorer consumer protection and safety.

“You trust that you’re getting what you pay for. One explanation might be the high level of trust Swedes have in authorities and society in general. Another could be a lack of knowledge, not knowing that technical equipment and measuring devices can deteriorate over time, assuming that it just works correctly,” says Anders Nilsson, Senior Business Developer in Electrification and Reliability at RISE.

He also highlights the requirements for regular inspections of gasoline and diesel pumps, which are performed by RISE.

“That could be a contributing factor to the high level of trust. Many have seen the RISE stickers at gas stations indicating that the pump has been regularly inspected by an independent and reliable entity, and they assume it works the same way for charging stations,” says Anders Nilsson.

For the successful electrification of the vehicle fleet, the expansion of charging infrastructure is crucial. According to statistics from the industry organization PowerCircle, there were 41,098 public charging points in Sweden in May 2024, distributed across 5,451 charging stations, an increase of just over 6,000 charging points since the end of 2023. A clear majority in the survey, 65 percent, believe that charging stations are regularly inspected. The vast majority, over 92 percent, believe that charging stations should be inspected to ensure the correct amount of energy is delivered and from a safety perspective. But the fact is that there are currently no requirements for regular inspections of charging stations.

“The expansion has been rapid, with the market leading the way, and international regulations, such as at the EU level, have not yet been established. This means that measurement errors and safety risks may go undetected. Our goal is for charging stations to be as safe as gasoline and diesel pumps, and we believe that regulations should be implemented as soon as possible,” says Anders Nilsson.

Despite the lack of regulations, RISE already offers independent inspections today. Using calibrated measuring equipment, they check whether the charging station delivers the energy that the customer is billed for. The inspection also ensures that the station is safe, for example by checking cables and connectors.

“Many operators are, of course, interested in ensuring everything is correct; it can be a selling point that with us, you get what you pay for. But regulations are needed to ensure a reliable infrastructure that can support future electrification,” says Anders Nilsson.


Media contact

Claudia Nilsson, RISE,, +46 10 516 52 15

The Survey

On behalf of RISE, the research company Origo surveyed a nationally representative sample of 1,000 people about their trust in and attitudes towards the inspection of charging stations.


More about consumer protection and safety at a digital event

What regulations actually apply to consumer protection and safety, and what’s in the pipeline? Learn about the latest developments and find out more about charging station inspections at our free digital event on September 25 from 10:00-11:30 AM. At the event, we will discuss the survey, go over current and upcoming regulations, share what we have observed during charging station inspections, explain how independent inspections work, and highlight the benefits for both consumers and charging operators. In addition to RISE experts, Renée Hansson from Swedac and Christer Karlsson from OKQ8, will participate.

The event is aimed at all stakeholders who own, operate, or manage charging stations and need to stay updated on current and upcoming regulations and learn more about charging station inspections.
