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An opportunity to highlight the innovative power of the food system

Having just returned from another inspiring meeting with a focus on change and the food system of the future, I can’t help but reflect on the enormous expectations and pressure on all actors to “step up” and work together to prepare for a new and different future.

Klara Båth, avdelningschef Jordbruk och livsmedel

At RISE, we are now working on an overall initiative that we call “Future Food”. This initiative is about identifying how we can use our entire broad expertise to support actors in the agricultural and food industry - how do we best and systematically coordinate ourselves to meet the challenges they face? 

It is clear that as an organisation, RISE has really opened its eyes to the food area. Here, the food strategy, a focus on resilience and security of supply, as well as increased funds and efforts channelled towards research and innovation (R&I) aimed at this industry have of course been strong driving forces. We are now preparing for further investments and will continue to expand RISE’s operations in the area.

An updated system for the food system is needed

Speaking of increased research funding in this area , these funds create a fantastic opportunity to accelerate the transition and stand ready to shape the future. We cannot possibly know what that future will look like, but we can certainly all participate in influencing it. Currently, much of the research funding goes towards applied and implementation-oriented research and demands commitment and financial contributions from the problem owners in the agricultural and food industry. Embroiled as they are in an urgent situation characterised by crises, high energy costs and small margins, I sometimes worry whether they will be able to cope and contribute to such an extent that we can seize all the possibilities that are out there.

Right now we have a clear “window of opportunity” to work together to further enhance the innovation power and ambitions in the industry, and I hope that like our own, your autumn budget work will include plans that make it possible to run and participate in as many R&I activities as possible. Although many of the innovation projects grapple with major, systemic issues and it can sometimes be difficult to see the direct benefit for the business, I am convinced that those of you who participate will emerge as winners, both in terms of finances and sustainability, in the future.

We must collaborate to future-proof the food on our tables

So don’t miss the chance to participate, for example, in Vinnova's innovation environments in the call “A new recipe is needed for the food system”. I certainly intend to throw my hat into the ring! I hope that I will be selected to participate and get the chance to learn more about a mission-oriented way of working while simultaneously getting to know more of you in the industry and becoming better acquainted with your challenges. Right now we are also looking at how we can build a concept and a consortium to create an “Impact Innovation” project (previously called a “Strategic Innovation Programme”, SIP), as well as a consortium to future-proof the food on our tables. Here, we are convinced that a winning approach will involve gathering together players from every corner of the industry - both large and small, old and new players. We must also clearly collaborate with other industries, such as the energy, logistics, health, and technology industries, among others.

If you are eager to join us, don’t hesitate to get in touch!


Read more about VINNOVA’s current calls:

A new recipe is needed for the food system

Preparatory projects next generation strategic innovation programs

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