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RISE participates in major European neuroscience project

27 March 2024, 08:22

The European Commission is contributing EUR 38 million until 2026 to promote neuroscience and brain health. RISE and EuroCC National Competence Centre Sweden (ENCCS) are the Swedish partners in the EBRAINS project, which focuses on supercomputers and the dissemination of knowledge and resources to the research community.

- With the role that RISE and ENCCS will have in the European project EBRAINS, we will be able to contribute strongly to the development of neuroscience in Sweden and Europe. Important parts of the work will be supercomputers, AI and neuromorphic solutions, says Anastasiia Andriievska from RISE who is Competence Coordinator in the project.

Neuromorphic solutions are when very powerful computers are used to mimic the way the brain works. The work in EBRAINS 2.0 will develop tools and services to provide a broad service to research communities in neuroscience, brain medicine and brain-inspired technologies. For example, it will be responsible for the support services that will be available in EBRAINS, services that can be used by researchers throughout Europe.

- We are looking forward to working closely with our partners, including Karolinska Institutet, the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) and the International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility (INCF), to make available the expertise and resources needed to advance neuroscience, says Joakim Eriksson, head of the Connected Intelligence unit at RISE.

The goal of EBRAINS is to establish a new standard for brain atlases (maps of the brain), collect and connect multimodal neuroscience and clinical data, and drive the development of digital twin methods. The project involves 59 partner institutions from 16 European countries.


Media contact:

Niklas Jälevik, Head of Media Relations, RISE