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Trendspotting – Tomorrow's materials and products

We are in a revolutionary time where we are drastically rethinking how we use materials. Navigating this transition, where we also need to manage two different economies, the linear and the circular, poses major challenges for all of us, whether we work in industry, the public sector, politics or academia.

Do you want to better understand the changing landscape? Do you want to understand what's happening in the world around you, and what's important to focus on to tackle the challenges and capitalize on the changes?

Read our 2023 trendspotting: The changing landscape of tomorrow's materials and products

In our trendspottning published this week, we have summarized the landscape of needs for transition, based on several interviews with different industries and our experience from research and projects.

We take a closer look at some of the challenges that we believe will play an important role in the future. In a future when our products can communicate, when data is core business, when infinity becomes finite, and we create business from our trash.

But despite many challenges, we see that there is hope, the transition is underway. Companies are developing smarter and more responsible products, processes and operations every day. We at RISE are following these journeys as a research and innovation partner and have summarized some things in the forecast that we think are important to focus on to walk strongly into the future.

Ta del av det inspelade seminariet "Hur kvalitetssäkrar vi framtidens plast?" som innehåller en trendspaning inom materialomställning och dialog med företag som representerar olika delar av värdekedjan. Det digitala seminariet hölls den 17 oktober.

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Hanna Linden

tf Affärs-och innovationsområdeschef

+46 10 228 46 75

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Maria Delombre


+46 10 516 66 82

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