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RISE leads you into the future – in area after area

Every year, 30,000 enterprises use RISE’s services for sustainable transition, applied research, lifelong learning, testing, certification and calibration. With us as a partner, both small and large companies alike can more effectively meet new demands and expectations from customers, consumers and authorities.

Bring your most pressing issues and challenges to RISE, no matter how difficult they may be, and the door opens to the cutting edge of expertise, applied research, development and technology, processes, methods, test beds and partners in a wide range of areas: Digitalisation, energy and bio-based economy, sustainable cities and communities, health and life science, material transformation and mobility.

A government-appointed mission

As a state-owned research institute, we have the government-appointed mission of promoting competitiveness, renewal and contributing to solutions to society’s challenges, as well as conducting our own applied research in areas such as AI, blue growth, built environment, circular transition, digital security, energy, health, innovation systems, component manufacturing, foodstuffs, materials, process manufacturing, risk and safety/security, service research, mobility and transport systems.

“We provide the business community and public sector with strategic, tactical and operational help to transition to sustainability, develop new innovations, take advantage of the latest technological advances and move forward in their complex challenges,” says Eilert Johansson, head of strategic research and business development at RISE.

RISE's range of services can be divided into four categories:

  • Transition management, where we help you to remain relevant in the rapid changes to customer and societal requirements.
  • Applied research and development, including 129 test and demonstration environments for testing and developing concepts, products and services.
  • Testing, inspection and certification, with the market’s greatest breadth in this area.
  • Lifelong learning, with training based on the latest research and applications, and help in transitioning to a learning organisation.

“With a few thousand in-house researchers, strategic consultants and project managers in the most important fields of social development, we are good at taking a step back, seeing the big picture, and understanding which factors are relevant and what needs to be done,” says Eilert Johansson.

Eilert Johansson

Contact person

Eilert Johansson

Chef Affärsutveckling

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