Professor Qin Wang is one of RISE's leading experts in semiconductors. Qin is passionate about science and one of the few who work with quantum technology in practice. An example is a solution called FSO "Free Space Optics" modulator - a system for wireless communication at GB speed via laser light.
Most of all I'm grateful to be working with science!

– Our motivations are different: some go to church, but for me, the lab is my religion. While others read fashion magazines, I am more drawn to scientific publications and TED talks. I work late, evenings, and weekends – that’s when you can be left alone and work undisturbed.
Qin was handpicked from a top institute in China to Lund University, where she conducted her research in solid-state physics. Coming from a family of doctors and scientists, Qin was a hardworking student, which allowed her in the 90s to choose where she worked according to the system in China. Professor Pär Omling and Qin discovered each other’s publications, which was not very common at the time. Qin is happy to have been Pär’s first female student, and her own career led to a professorship at KTH, which she holds in parallel with her work at RISE.
Qin emphasizes the importance of being the best and how tough the system has been for women, whom she often works with to promote within technology:
– Everything we do creates benefits for our daily lives, and we need inspiration and perspectives from all angles, which is why the whole diversity perspective is something I am passionate about, not just “Women in STEM.” At the core, everyone is equal, but we come from different backgrounds and educations, political systems, and beliefs, which makes team compositions exciting and allows us to inspire each other - Humans are the same.
Collaboration is a key to success, according to Qin - that it is not a "one-woman show" - but she is simultaneously proud to receive recognitions such as being invited into exclusive networks around, for example, ESA (European Space Agency). The projects she mentions as particularly important throughout her career are FSO and UltimateGAN, both far ahead of their time and where the results are still State of the Art. But it is not just the research itself that attracts her, but also a strong result orientation, where Qin, for example, mentions the implementation of an FSO at Airbus as a milestone - seeing research lead to concrete results.
One area that is attracting much attention and is often talked about, although few can yet grasp its extent, is quantum technology. Qin is working on the entanglement of the photon source in quantum-based chips, which can lead to entirely new types of sensors and components.
- Prof Qin Wang's publications: Scientific Publications by Prof Wang
- ”Woman in Optics" of 2028
- Example: Master Thesis where Qin supervised, which illustrates the technology of MRR and FSO: Demonstration of free space optical communication link in 10-meters range using electro-absorption modulator arrays.
Begrepp och definitioner
- FSO: Free Space Optics
- MRR: multi-quantum well based Modulating Retro Reflector
- Pär Omling, Director General for The Swedish Research Council (Sweden’s largest governmental research funding body) in 2001-2010. Professor, Solid State Physics at Lund University.
- Quantum entanglement: the phenomenon where a group of particles are generated, interact, or share spatial proximity in such a way that the quantum state of each particle in the group cannot be described independently of the state of the others, even when the particles are separated by a large distance. The topic of quantum entanglement is at the heart of the disparity between classical and quantum physics: entanglement is a primary feature of quantum mechanics that is not present in classical mechanics.