Abdul Ghafoor
Senior Researcher
Abdul Ghafoor has a computer science background and completed his PhD in Network Security (2011) from Communication Systems, KTH, Sweden. His research activities focused on trusted decentralized systems, self sovereign identities, blockchain, and privacy. He has expertise in designing security protocols, architectures and solutions for various distributed applications and infrastructure. He has strong knowledge of cryptographic algorithms, crypto libraries (OpenSSL, Bouncy Castle), blockchain tools and their usage in various secure distributed and decentralized applications. He is also confident implementing proof of concepts by using various frameworks and modern computer languages (Java, C/C++, Python). In past few years, he actively participated in various local, EU and international projects, some of them are: UNIFY, ACINO, 5G Transport Lab, CryptoNET, SETECS Security System (PKI, CryptoEngine, BIX Ledger), etc.
- A Holistic and Circular Approach for Managing End-of-Service Wind Turbine Blades
- SIGNED : Smart cIty diGital twiN vErifiable Data Framework
- Trusted Platform for Disruptive Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks using Distributed Led…
- Digital platform for managementof EoL windturbine blades : Rekovind 2 - WP2
- Towards A Distributed Ledger Based Verifiable Trusted Protocol for VANET
- Towards trusted security context exchange protocol for sdn based low latency ne…
- Enriching intent-based SDN to ease customer service management in transport net…
- An interactive intent-based negotiation scheme for application-centric networks
- DISMI - An intent interface for application-centric transport network services