Abhilash Sugunan

• Currently a Senior Researcher and Project Manager in Smart Materials Unit.
• Over 10 years of experience as project manager with project portfolio including H2020, Vinnova, and corporate research projects directly with industrial partners. Experience in setting up and executing multi-partner research projects.
• Completed my Ph. D. in 2012 from KTH-Royal Institute of Technology (Materials Chemistry)
• Interested in materials research on nanomaterials, 2D materials (e.g. Graphene), porous materials, self-assembly, surface modification and nanomaterial dispersions into various solid and liquid matrices.
• Research areas include materials for air filtration, valorization of post consumer textiles, bio-based elastomers and composites, functional paints, foamed materials, etc.
- Surfactant-free starch-graphene composite films as simultaneous oxygen and wate…
- Highly Conductive Films by Rapid Photonic Annealing of Inkjet Printable Starch–…
- Surfactant-Free Stabilization of Aqueous Graphene Dispersions Using Starch as a…
- Graphene and Flavin Mononucleotide Interaction in Aqueous Graphene Dispersions
- Hybrid Materials of Nanocellulose and Graphene
- Functionalized magnetic particles for water treatment
- Colloidal Flower-Shaped Iron Oxide Nanoparticles : Synthesis Strategies and Coa…