Alexander Oliva Rivera
Alexander Oliva Rivera is an industrial PhD Candidate (started 2022) within the unit Materialdesign. His PhD work focuses on carbonation under accelerated- (~10% CO2) and natural conditions in recycled concrete aggregates (RCA) by investigating its chemical, physical and mechanical properties after carbonation.
Alexander also has several years of experience as a RnD engineer in concrete development and testing cement based materials such as ordinary concrete, SCC, HPC, UHPC and cellular lightweight concrete (CLC). He was also previously involved in large multi-disciplinary EU projects (H-House, SESBE, LORCENIS, RE4, LIGHTCOCE).
He is also currently enrolled as a PhD Candidate in the Department of Resource Recovery and Building Technology at the University of Borås.
Studying following topics;
- Introduction to carbonation mechanisms in binders such as OPC,GGBS & FA,
- Phase assemblage and carbon uptake in binders under accelerated carbonation conditions,
- Assessment of recycled concrete aggregates (RCA) derived from un-/sorted construction & demolition waste for CO2-storage potential,
- Carbon uptake on RCA under different parameters such as exposed surface area, exposure time, temperature, relative humidity and carbon dioxide concentration levels,
- CCU of carbonated recycled aggregate and its mechanical properties in new concrete for higher replacement ratios under relevant exposure classes.
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