Anders Wickström
Senior Projektledare

Anders is one of Sweden's most experienced experts in wind power, after 30 years of work on technical development of renewable energy. He is employed at RISE since 2018 and works with research on how wind power and other renewable energy production can be integrated to create a robust electricity system. A current focus area is how wind power can contribute with services to the electricity grid. Another area is how hydrogen can be produced with sector coupling to district heating in order increase efficiency.
A bit more about Anders' background:
He started in the late 1980s with the design of two-bladed 3 MW turbines, where structural dynamics and strength were fundamental technology areas to handle.
Three years in Oslo provided experience in hydropower, focusing on FE analyses of structural dynamics and the development of Francis runners. The result was a completely new design of this type of turbines, which has since been dominant.
He then became one of the founders of ScanWind. The company designed a new 3.5 MW direct drive turbine concept for Norwegian coastal landscape. A total of 15 turbines were developed and installed 300 km north of Trondheim. ScanWind was the bought by General Electric, where the direct-drive concept was further developed into an offshore wind turbine of 4 MW.
In 2012, Anders was one of the founders of the independent consulting company Scandinavian Wind. With solid experience from simulations and design of entire wind turbines, the company received assignments in different areas including procurement support for Statkraft, development of floating wind power concepts and support in various research projects in collaboration with Chalmers, including design of new carbon fibre blades and pitch regulated hub for an updated research turbine.
In 2016, Anders worked as the wind turbine expert for the Swedish Accident Investigation Authority and its investigation of the accident in Lemnhult, focusing on pretension, fatigue and life calculations of bolted tower joints.
Anders has also supported Modvion, with the design of their wooden towers for wind power.