Åse Lundh Gravenius Senior forskare/Rättslig expert Tel +46 10 228 41 56 Email ase.lundh.gravenius@ri.se Location Kista Ask me about Ask me about Project MicroOrc The EU project MICROORC aims to develop sustainable technologies and materials to extend the shelf life of perishable foods, reduce food waste, and enhance food safety. The project also works on adapting regulations to keep pace w… Project SARDIN SARDIN - System Demo, Analysis, Resource Efficiency, Data sharing, Privacy, Utilization - aims, in collaboration with stakeholders, to enable increased use of health data to facilitate research and innovation. The goal is to accel… Expertise Policy Lab For technology development to reach its full potential, it must be supported by amendments to existing policies and regulations. RISE offers a Policy Lab where different stakeholders can work together to achieve successful ways of…