Björn Schouenborg
Filosofie doktor

Senior Researcher - Doctor of Mineralogy & Petrology
Has worked with geological building materials, products and construction in the company since 1990 (first SP- Swedish Testing and Research Institute). Primarily with aggregates and natural stones. Materials, products and construction
Special skills in natural stones.
Chairman of the Swedish Standardisation Committee SIS/TK 508 Natural stones and Swedish representative in European standardisation. Member of ASTM C18 Dimension stone
Chairman of IUGS Commission Geoheritage and IAEG Commission C10 Building stones
Research and Innovation, testing, Consulting, damage investigation, site investigations and education
The final research report of the European, research project TEAM (Testing and assessment of marble and limestone) can be dowloaded here:…
- Cirkulära anläggningsmaterial i urban miljö
- Användning av sekundära ballastråvaror och koppling till funktion och dimension…
- Alternative and recycled materials as pavement unbound layers
- Potentiella kolsänkor i Malmö stad
- EPOS Sweden: A national contribution to the European Plate Observing System-Eur…
- Dimensionering, bärighet och infiltration : Uppföljning av Blå-Grön-Grå (BGG) k…
- Multifunktionella urbana dagvattenanläggningar : Referensanläggningar
- ONKALO POSE Experiment - Geological and Rock Mechanical Tests on Samples from a…
- Assessment of the European Standard for the determination of resistance of marb…
- Ce-marking of natural stone—practical application and solutions in Sweden