Caroline Haglund Stignor
Förstärkningsområdesledare Robust och Flexibelt Energisystem,Senior forskare

Caroline leads a strategic initiative at RISE, Robust and Flexible Energy System, which aims to strengthen RISE competence and ability to even better support Swedish industry and society, so that they can maintain or strengthen their competitiveness during the transformation of the energy system that is necessary for Sweden to be able to achieve its climate goals. Within this initiative, we work to strengthen competence and develop models, tools and innovations that can be implemented in business and society in the near future.
She is actively involved in Heat Pump Centre, which is hosted by RISE and is the program office and communication centre for IEA's Technology Collboration Programme on Heat Pumping Technologies. Thereby she has many contacts within academia and industry within this area as well as with representatives from energy agencies in many countries. In addition she contributes to the development of Ecodesign and Energy Label regulations for space heaters and ventilation units and is also involved in European standardisation work. She is the chair of the Swedish Technical Committee for Heat Pumps at SIS and is nominated expert within European working groups. Caroline has a PhD exam in heat transfer and has performed a number of research projects within the area of heat pumping technology and supermarket refrigeration.