- Verification & validation of CFD simulations of a fixed oscillating water c…
- Verification of constrained multi-body motion in MoodyMarine
- Wind Turbine Aerodynamics Simulation Using the Spectral/hp Element Framework Ne…
- Water wave simulations using fully nonlinear potential flow : Spectral/hp eleme…
- High-Fidelity Hydrodynamic Simulations of a Slack-Moored Floating Offshore Wind…
- Validation of a CFD model for wave energy system dynamics in extreme waves
- Detached-Eddy Simulation of Normal Flow past Flat Plates: The Influence from Co…
- Hydrodynamic simulations of a FOWT platform (1st FOWT comparative study) using …
- Hierarchical Approaches to Train Recurrent Neural Networks for Wave-Body Intera…