Emil Hillberg

Member of the Swedish National Committée for CIGRE
Swedish representative CIGRE Study Committée C2 - Power System Operation and Control, https://c2.cigre.org/
Emil Hillberg is an expert in analysis of power system dynamic phenomena having a research background in smart transmission grid solutions and mitigation of blackouts, with a MSc and PhD in Electrical Engineering from KTH and NTNU.
Emils career in the power systems field started over 20 years ago, and includes participation in over 30 projects and authoring of over 40 papers, articles, and technical report.
Since 2018 Dr Emil Hillberg in a researched in electric power systems at RISE, where his involvement has included:
• Project leader & Technical specialist in the Nordic research project: Nordic Early Warning Early Prevention System (NEWEPS), on PMU & WAMS solutions to increase system security
• Technical expert in the Norwegian research project: Advanced System protection schemes Applied in the Power grid (ASAP), on coordination and utilization of system protection schemes
• Consortium leader & Technical specialist for the European research project: Active Network Management for All (ANM4L), on flexible solutions for alternative grid development
• Technical advisor in the Swiss research project: Impact of aggregated electrical assets on the power system (IMPALA), on fast frequency response
Emil has been a member of the Advisory Board of several EU Horizon projects, such as: CoordiNet, OneNet, EUniversal & FlexPlan.
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/emil-hillberg/
- Evaluation of Voltage Stability Assessment Methodologies in Transmission System…
- Standards-based interoperable Testbed for Development and Assessment of stabili…
- NEWEPS Nordic Early Warning Early Prevention System : Final Project Report
- C6 - Congestion Management in Distribution Systems with Large Presence of Renew…
- ANM4L Active Network Management For All : Avslutningsseminarium, 16 mars 2023
- Wide Area Monitoring Protection and Control Systems – Decision Support for Syst…
- How can flexibility support power grid resilience through the next level of fle…
- Active Network Management to support increased grid utilisation – ANM4L project…
- Impact of aggregated assets in the power system
- Flexibility for Resilience : How can flexibility support power grids resilience?