Eva is Associated Professor in soil sciences and work with agriculture and food production and how cropping systems, technology and management can be adapted to decrease environment and climate impact. Keywords: soil fertility, plant nutrition, fertilizer, animal manure, grassland, ley, herbage, silage, cereals, crop rotation, grazing, dairy cow, beef cattle, pig, laying hen, organic agriculture
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- Environmental consequences of pig production scenarios using biomass from rotat…
- Feeding silage to fattening pigs – effects on nitrogen utilization and ammonia …
- Survey of farm-gate N and P balances on arable and dairy organic and convention…
- Concrete outdoor runs for organic growing-finishing pigs – a legislative, ethol…
- Flows and budgets of nutrients and potentially toxic elements on four Swedish o…
- Minskad klimatpåverkan med vallfoder till gris– beräkning av klimatavtrycket ur…
- Phosphorus load in outdoor areas for laying hens and capacity of phosphorus ret…
- Deliverable 4.3 Assessment of effects of manure/pasture management on nitrogen …
- The role of diversity and circularity to enhance the resilience of organic pig …
- Utegående nötkreatur och får