Evelina Höglund
Forskare Livsmedel Produktdesign
Evelina Höglund has a research degree in food technology and has more than 10 years of experience in food science, focusing on the evaluation and control of food functionality such as texture, flavor and accessibility of nutrients. Food functionality can be tailored by formulation as well as processing techniques and procedures. Evelina work as a scientist at Product Design, Agrifood and Bioscience who conduct research and development projects together with the food industry, as well as in other sectors. Evelina mainly focus her work on the Protein shift, Utilization of side streams and Food for the aging society.
For Evelinas publications please see http://ri.diva-portal.org/smash/resultList.jsf?dswid=8435&language=sv&s…
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- Sodium reduction in foods : Challenges and strategies for technical solutions
- Saltiness enhancement : Impact of acid added to bread with heterogeneously dist…
- Towards attractive texture modified foods with increased fiber content for dysp…
- Influence of Swedish bilberry preprocessing technique on juice yield and quality
- Tailoring bilberry powder functionality through preprocessing and drying.
- Tailoring bilberry powder functionality through processing : Effects of drying …
- Effect of drying and extrusion processing on physical and nutritional character…
- A meal concept designed for older adults - Small, enriched meals including dess…
- Protein enriched foods and healthy ageing Effects of protein fortification on m…
- Mathematical modeling of the viscosity of tomato, broccoli and carrot purees un…