Ewellyn Capanema
Principal Scientist

Ewellyn Capanema's expertise is lignin chemistry and applications. More descriptively she is a Ph.D. in Chemistry and has twenty-plus years of experience in biobased product development, including pulping and biorefinery fundamentals and technologies. She has developed, optimized, and validated analytical methods to comprehensively characterize wood components; she has modified and optimized biorefinery processes for the separation of lignin and cellulose, and developed applications for these bio-based products. She is currently involved in two projects with Brazilian partners. Her knowledge, experience and network are appreciated at North Carolina State University where she is an adjunct professor at the Department of Forest Biomaterials.
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- Electrochemical characteristics of lignin in CTMP for paper battery electrodes.
- A Rapid and Tunable Approach for the Fractionation of Technical Kraft Lignin
- Learnings and Aspects on Kraft Lignin Separation and Valorisation
- Isolation of β-O-4-Rich Lignin From Birch in High Yields Enabled by Continuous-…
- New Opportunities in the Valorization of Technical Lignins.
- Kinetics of the oxidative ammonolysis of lignin
- Spruce milled wood lignin : Linear, branched or cross-linked?
- Lignin-based carbon fiber : effect of softwood kraft lignin separation method o…
- Recent achievement in the valorization of technical lignins
- Application of Omno polymers in PF wood adhesives