Håkan Burden
Senior forskare
Researches in policy development with a focus on AI- and IT-systems covering topics such as autonomous ships and vehicles, standardisation of digital services for public transport and the EU initiatives within regulation digitalisation. A recurring theme is the interaction between technology development, new businesses and regulations. Teaches at Chalmers and Gothenburg University within sustainable devleopment and agile processes.
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Ask me about
- Innovation för jämställd hållbar arbetspendling
- Fit for purpose – Data quality for Artificial Intelligence
- When AI meets machinery – the role of the notified body
- Implications of the AI Act in relation to mobility
- The Swedish policy lab for maritime autonomous surface ships
- Proposed EU Regulations’ Impact on Data Utilisation– A Multi-Case Study within …
- RISE Policylabb – de första fem åren
- Evakuering av kustnära fartyg i en automatiserad framtid
- Sustainable AI and Disruptive Policy – AI Regulatory Sandboxes
- A Comparison of AI Policies and Programmes in Finland, the Netherlands and Swed…