Hampus Alfredsson

Researcher and project manager in the Department of Mobility and Systems within the Unit for Sustainable Transport and Systems since 2018. My primary engagement and driving force lie in research projects closely linked to electrified transport systems, strategic energy supply planning, and charging infrastructure. I have experience in addressing electrification-related issues for various modes of transportation, including passenger cars, buses, trucks, and aircraft.
Since 2020, I have been responsible for establishing RISE in the field of electric aviation. This role has involved coordinating existing expertise, building new domain-specific knowledge, and actively seeking research projects to strengthen our project portfolio. Initiating and developing our presence in electrified aviation has been a challenge that I have undertaken with enthusiasm and determination.
- Placering av laddinfrastruktur för fullskaligt elektrifierad kollektivtrafik i …
- Airport Charging System Designs and Power Management for Megawatt-Level Chargin…
- Air-Charge : Feasibility study on system demonstrator for high-power charging o…
- Evaluating the role of solar photovoltaic and battery storage in supporting ele…
- Infrastructure modeling for large-scale introduction of electric aviation
- Infrastrukturmodellering för storskalig introduktion av elflyg och flygtrafikle…
- Internationell forskning och finansiering för elflyg : Omvärldssanalys
- Ruttbaserade simulerade trafikdata för högupplöst analys av tunga godstransport…