Hanna Svensson Ingenjör Tel +46 10 516 50 67 Email hanna.svensson@ri.se Location Göteborg Ask me about Ask me about Project SARDIN SARDIN - System Demo, Analysis, Resource Efficiency, Data sharing, Privacy, Utilization - aims, in collaboration with stakeholders, to enable increased use of health data to facilitate research and innovation. The goal is to accel… Project Accelerating the Home Care Innovation Ecosystem of the Future The project Accelerating the Home Care Innovation Ecosystem of the Future in the North Sea Region (ACE) supports the home care ecosystem in North Sea Region, stimulating the delivery of quality service and the independen… Project Center for category based measurements The RISE knowledge platform Center for category based measurements is a long-term investment where RISE builds and strengthens competence in measurements of experiences, feelings, behaviors, and abilities. Project National Development Project Implementation - Medtech4Health The project's purpose is to contribute to more medical technology innovations being implemented in healthcare and social care. Another aim of the project is to try out the proposed framework for national development projects and i… Project Digital activity catalog for Västra Götalandsregionen People spend to little time on phyical activity despite the fact that society has knowledge about the health risks and increased costs it entails. Västra Götaland region wants to collect all activities that inspire to movement in … Service Register your interest in Patient Involvement certification Would you like to strengthen your organization and increase patient involvement in your operations? Working in a person-centered manner, with patient involvement, has proven to reduce time in hospital stay, enhance patient safety,… Expertise Spray drying Spray drying is a process that is used in the food industry to quickly and gently dry liquid products to a powder. Spray drying is used for example to create milk powder, protein isolates, starch and egg powder. Expertise Category based measurements RISE is Sweden's NMI (National Metrology Institute) and is, according to the Swedish constitution, responsible for the central measurement quantities in the International System of Units, SI.