Henrik Abrahamsson
Senior Researcher

I am a senior researcher and project leader with a PhD in Computer Science. Much of my research is about Internet communication and traffic analysis, but also about data analysis in general and especially methods for sharing and analysing data in a secure and privacy-preserving way.
Currently, I am leading the project 'SID: Secure data sharing for Industrial Digitalization'. The goal of the SID project is to enable Swedish industry to use privacy-preserving techniques for data sharing and data analysis to a greater extent and avoid the obstacles and pitfalls that exist today. [https://www.ri.se/en/what-we-do/projects/sid-secure-data-sharing-for-in…;
I am co-PI for 'AI-based Positioning and Personalization Platform for Human Body Models (HBMs)' within Digital Futures [https://www.digitalfutures.kth.se/research/research-pairs/ongoing-resea…;
I am also working in the project 'GreenRoute – Optimising freight transport for a sustainable future' which focuses on visualisation of the climate impact of freight transport with the intention to encourage behavioural change [https://www.drivesweden.net/en/project/greenroute-optimising-freight-tr…;
Recently, I also worked in the AI-NET-PROTECT project where we did research on resilient and secure communication networks. Here, much of my work was about understanding traffic patterns and finding methods for automated and proactive anomaly detection. [https://protect.ai-net.tech]
- Towards automated and proactive anomaly detection in a fiber access network
- Utilizing Multi-Connectivity to Reduce Latency and Enhance Availability for Veh…
- Data-driven traffic flow : Summary of experiments
- Evolving 5G : ANIARA, an edge-cloud perspective
- Evolving 5G: ANIARA, an edge-cloud perspective
- Latency-aware Multipath Scheduling in Information-centric Networks
- Measuring Mobile Network Multi-Access for Time-Critical C-ITS Applications
- ICN congestion control for wireless links
- Connected Vehicles in Cellular Networks: Multi-access versus Single-access Perf…