Jie Li holds a PhD degree in Electrical Engineering from Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden. He is currently working in the unit Connected Society as a senior researcher and project manager. Major research and analysis activities include evaluation of housing market evolution along the track of COVID-19 and digitalization, infrastructure choice to reach Sweden's broadband target 2025, business digital maturity, socio-economic and environmental impact of broadband penetration, cost efficiency of eHealth and eHomecare, and deployment cost comparison of different broadband networks including hybrid network architecture involving satellite systems etc. Recently, he also works in studies targeting climate change challenges especially for the transportation sector, e.g. techno- & socio-economic analysis on electric flight/vehicle as compared to traditional transportation means.
He had also been working as a Senior Scientist along the track of research in fiber-optic communication systems, in particular high-speed transmission systems & subsystems including ultra-short optical pulse generation, all-optical sampling, all-optical demultiplexing and add-drop multiplexing, and lab & field coherent & non-coherent transmissions at single wavelength channel signal bit-rates of 40, 100, 200 Gb/s and beyond. In parallel, he was also involved in research in the field of broadband Internet traffic characterization ranging from long-term traffic application usage pattern evolutions to specific studies on services delivered over the Internet, e.g. YouTube. In addition, he also supervised 3 master thesis works and co-supervised 2 PhD students along his career track.
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