Johan Fast Berglund

Johan Fast Berglund is a researcher and project manager in manufacturing process and functional surfaces. He presented his dissertation in 2011 at Chalmers in Manufacturing Technology, title Characterisation of Functional Pressing Die Surfaces. Johan's research is focused on specification of surfaces to achieve required functional properties as well as manufacturing and quality control of surfaces. He is also leading research within forming processes.
Johan is coordinating the Cluster Forming & Joining, part of The Swedish Manufacturing R&D Clusters. Johan is also coordinating the network Stamping and Forming Center of Excellence.
Moreover, Johan is a guest researcher at Chalmers at the department of Industrial and Materials Science as well as representing RISE in CIRP, the International Academy for Production Engineering.
Keywords: Functional surfaces, surface metrology, surface texture analysis, surface topography, surface roughness, sheet metal forming, tooling
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