Johan (PhD physics, 2010) is a senior research scientist at RISE since 2011. His research is focused on wildfires, their ignition, behaviour and consequences to society. Other research areas includes experimental techniques in heat transfer from flames, fires impact on timber structures and on thermal properties of materials at high temperatures.
New publications:
● New grassfire danger warning model for Sweden, https://rib.msb.se/filer/pdf/29530.pdf
● Overview of wildfires in Sweden, https://rib.msb.se/filer/pdf/29089.pdf
● Garden structure is critical for building survival in Swedish wildfires, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0925753522002673
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- Finalisation of the European approach to assess the fire performance of façades
- Development of large lab-scale fire dynamics experiments relevant for Scandinav…
- Hur stora är växthusgasutsläppen vid naturvårdsbränning?
- “This community will grow” — little concern for future wildfires in a dry and i…
- Pyrolysis and thermal properties of wood and high-density polyethylene
- Human activity and demographics drive the fire regime in a highly developed Eur…
- Garden structure is critical for building survival in northern forest fires – A…
- Travelling fire in full scale experimental building subjected to open ventilati…
- Assessing human-caused wildfire ignition likelihood across Europe
- External fire plumes from mass timber compartment fires—Comparison to test meth…