Karin Persson
Teknisk Doktor

Dr Karin Persson, PhD in colloidal chemistry from The Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) 1995.
Scientific activities: Water based and non-water based surface chemistry, adsorption, tribology (friction, wear and lubrication), coatings and lubricants, nano-particles inluding graphene, particles dispersions, corrosion inhibition, surfactant / polymer interactions, nanoparticle stabilized emulsions and demulsification.
Publikations: 19 journal papers, 2 current manuscripts, 1 book chapter, 4 conference papers.
Supervision of young scientists: 2 PhD-students and 11 diploma workers.
Ongoing and recent projects:
Algae Biorefinery: https://www.ri.se/en/what-we-do/projects/the-co2-micro-algae-biorefinery
Nano-Pickering Emulsions: www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0927775714005809
Photocatalytic cleaning of waste water: https://www.ri.se/en/our-stories/new-method-for-removing-pharmaceutical…
Graphene based coatings for anti-fouling and protection of steel:
Anti-fouling membranes: https://www.ri.se/en/what-we-do/projects/anti-fouling-membranes-for-res…
- Blueprint for a self-sustained European Centre for service provision in safe an…
- Reprogramming the adjuvant properties of aluminum oxyhydroxide with nanoparticl…
- A Photocatalytic Membrane : for Treatment of Pharmaceuticals in Wastewater
- 17 - Friction of fatty acids in nanoscale contacts
- Rolling of Steel
- Creation of well-defined particle stabilized oil-in-water nanoemulsions
- Investigation of factors influencing wheel-rail adhesion using a mini-traction …