Lotten Wahlund

I have a master in animal science and as a project leader at RISE I lead different research projects in the area of Swedish animal production. My focus area is animal husbandry where I develop, test and evaluate how different housing systems and technical solutions affect animal welfare and health. Since 2008, I have, among other things, worked with various issues in the area for keeping animals outdoors. The projects have, for example, dealt with the choice of materials and methods for stabilize the ground and decrease environmental load, choosing weather protection and methods for safe and animal-friendly handling of the animals. Many of the projects include several different areas of expertise, such as environmental effects, work environment and economy for the farmers.
Examples of ongoing projects:
• “It is popular to be an outdoor hen”
• POWER - PrOven WElfare and Resilience in organic pig production (Core Organic – EU)
• “Virtual fencing - an opportunity to develop Swedish grazing”
• Calf Catcher - for safe and efficient handling of calves on pasture
• Lightweight gates of high strength steel for higher safety and better animal handling
• Improved working environment in the horse industry through new methods and tools
Keywords: pig, dairy cow, beef cattle, poultry, horse, sheep, lamb, laying hens, outdoor livestock production, farm buildings, animal welfare, ethology, animal behavior
- Virtual or electrical fencing of naïve cattle on pasture - effects on behavior …
- Social transmission in sheep training on virtual fence
- Phosphorus load in outdoor areas for laying hens and capacity of phosphorus ret…
- Virtuella stängsel för enklare och mer flexibel betesdrift - möjligheter och ut…
- Lättviktsgrindar av höghållfast stål för säkrare djurhantering och arbetsmiljö
- Tekniker för att mäta kvalitet på nöt- och lammkött efter slakt
- Drivning av köttdjur till klövverkning
- Hur optimeras provisoriska drivningssystem till fixeringsbox avseende säkerhet,…
- Lugn och säker hantering av utegående nötkreatur : en effektiv åtgärd för att f…
- Automatiskt bindsle för nötkreatur : utvärdering i fullskala