Lucia Gonzales Strömberg Forskare Tel +46 10 516 66 16 Email Location Göteborg ORCID 0000-0001-7441-8483 Ask me about Ask me about Project Methodology for studies of viruses and virucidal effects The project is expected to strengthen Swedish industry's competitiveness and innovation capacity, as well as society's preparedness in the areas of infection prevention and microbial diagnostics. This will be done by establishing,… Project New DNA-based methods for the skin microbiome We will develop and validate robust DNA-based methods (qPCR and NGS) to quantify bacteria in the skin's microbiome. The project provides the basis for studies of the skin's microbiome to study, for example, the effect on the compo… Service ISO 18184 antiviral activity of textile products This standard determines the antiviral activity of the textile product against specific viruses. Service Viral Filtration Efficiency (VFE) The VFE test determines how well a given material filters virus-containing droplets of about 3 microns in size. Service ISO 16604, Clothing for protection against pathogens ISO 16604, Clothing for protection against contact with blood and body fluids Service DNA sequencing of microorganisms and microflora With the help of DNA sequencing and bioinformatics, it is possible to identify and characterize microorganisms and microflora in products, processes and in the environment with high precision. We help with all steps in your sequen… Expertise Viruses in microbiological safety We offer analysis methods and expertise in a broad range of areas that include viruses. Expertise Microbiology and hygiene RISE offers a deep, theoretical and practical, knowledge in microbiology and hygiene. Together with your company or organization, we prevent and solve microbiological problems. We also participate with our microbiological expertis… Expertise Microbiologically safe and shelf stable Food must be safe and is also expected to be durable!! RISE offers a number of services and tools to design for a microbiologically safe and shelf stable product. Expertise Microbiological analysis methods RISE has a broad and deep expertise in microbiological analysis. We develop and validate microbiological methods throughout the analysis chain from sampling and sample preparation to analysis and data processing to efficiently and…