Magnus Hansén Forsknings- och utvecklingsingenjör Tel +46 10 516 57 56 Email Location Borås Ask me about Ask me about Service Moisture damage survey of building structures The structural design and stability of the structure shall not be affected by the system or the design of the structure itself, such as the frame, foundation, roof or walls. RISE may make any or all of the following interpretation… Service Moisture experts Moisture experts at RISE are involved in all or part of the construction process as a support to the developer or contractor to ensure the quality of moisture safety work (ByggaF). RISE conducts research and develops tools for Byg… Service Material Inventory of Building Products We assist you in identifying and utilizing building materials with high reuse potential. By focusing on reuse and reducing waste management, we can collaboratively create a more sustainable and circular building process. Expertise Indoor environment Today we spend 90% of our time indoors. How we experience our indoor environment in buildings is therefore very important for our well-being. RISE works with investigations of indoor environment problems in the field, preventive w… Expertise Mechanically ventilated constructions Mechanically ventilated constructions are used to create moisture-proof constructions and to stop emissions from reaching the indoor environment.