Marcus Vendt
Marcus works with the future energy system by promoting a higher degree of cooperation between energy users and "producers", for example by making use of ancillary services (batteries, flexibility) in the power grid. Other important parts are efficient use of energy and power in industry, energy management systems (ISO 50001), industrial and urban symbiosis, and digitalisation in industry. Projects include energy management in sawmills, industrial symbiosis (Coralis), and developing calculation tools. Marcus was also the project leader for Hydrogen, energy system and infrastructure around the Gulf of Bothnia (H2ESIN).
When implementing energy management, important parts are data management, automatic data flows (digitalisation), organisational development and data visualisation. The aim should be to integrate routines and tools in the daily working routines to support an energy efficiency culture in the company. The tools used in the projects have mostly been Visual basic, Excel, Power Query, Power Pivot, Power BI and Power Automate.
- Förstudie om resurskartläggning i företag : Att förstå och förändra för en ökad…
- Batterilager för att kapa effekttoppar i gjuteriprocessen
- Prestudy H2ESIN: Hydrogen, energy system and infrastructure in Northern Scandin…
- SågELS – bakgrund och framtagningsprocess
- SågELS-handboken
- Development and implementation of EnMS – technical report
- A sawmill-adapted energy management system
- Swedish Certificate Scheme and Energy Management Systems
- A tool for standardized collector performance calculations including PVT