Mari Wøien Meijer Analytiker Tel +46 10 516 57 31 Email Location Stockholm ORCID 0000-0001-8114-4484 Ask me about Ask me about Expertise Roadmaps Roadmapping is a strategic exercise that bridges visions and the current state by defining the most important milestones and action points. It helps organizations plan in the uncertain, clarify the long-term direction and ensure t… Expertise Anticipatory governance Anticipatory governance is the developed organisational capacity to in a forward-looking way meet the challenges of today and the future. Anticipatory governance leads to more pro-active decisions and agile actions and is a capaci… Expertise Foresight Foresight supports business, public authorities, cities, sector organisations and multi-stakeholder consortia to work with uncertainties, transitions, and long-term challenges. The participatory processes encourages new thoughts a…