Maria Nilsson Tengelin Forskare Tel +46 10 516 54 51 Email Location Borås Ask me about Ask me about Story Measuring light pollution Light pollution causes problems for both humans and animals. But how can the amount of light pollution be measured reliably? And how can we reduce the negative effects of outdoor lighting, while making the light good enough for hu… Service Testing of road equipment RISE perform testing of road equipment, guide posts, sign posts and their materials Service Testing of photoluminescence and phosphorecent materials RISE offers testing of photoluminescence materials which are used as marking for example emergency exit in buildings, ships and aircrafts. The material is charged by ambient light and will in event of a power failure light up and … Service Evaluation of lighting and visual comfort RISE offers evaluations of lighting and visual comfort in buildings, sports facilities and vehicles. Service Calibration of colour meters at The National Laboratory The National Laboratory for Photometry and Radiometry offers calibration of colour meters. Service Calibration of optical materials at The National Laboratory The National Laboratory for Photometry and Radiometry offers calibration of optical materials. Expertise The National Laboratory for Photometry a RISE is Sweden's NMI (National Metrology Institute) and is, according to the Swedish constitution, responsible for the fundamental measurement quantities in the International System of Units, SI.