Marie-Louise Wallberg

I work as head of the chemistry group at RISE Processum in Örnsköldsvik. The Chemistry Group contributes to the transition to a bioeconomy by carrying out applied research and contract work in organic chemistry and thermochemical processes. It includes fractionation of biomass, extraction of specific substances, green chemistry (fuel, chemicals and materials from biomass), processes at high temperatures and pressures (Atex environment, HTL, HTC) and upgrading of products. We work with scaling up new biorefinery processes from lab to pilot scale and we have a number of unique test beds. Read more about Processum's offer here:
I have a Master of Science in technical chemistry and have worked with research and development for 18 years, 8 years as a manager and I am also a certified project manager. Before RISE, most of my career was in industry (pulp/paper and chemistry), I have also been the manager of a biorefinery demonstration plant (BDP) in Örnsköldsvik. I enjoy finding sustainable business opportunities in an industrial holistic perspective and to create successful projects and teams.
You are welcome to contact me!