Mats Carlsson

Mats Carlsson is associate professor of computer science. During his professional life, the focus has been on two themes: programming language implementation and optimization. Mats is the main author of the programming environment SICStus Prolog ( In optimization, Mats has contributed to the fundamental algorithms and also worked on applications such as industrial scheduling, sports scheduling, configuration, DNA sequencing, and frequency allocation. In the UNISON project, optimization technology was used to improve the code generated by compilers. Mats has received multiple grants from VR och VINNOVA and has worked in multiple EU projects.
Mats's Erdős number is 4 and his list of publications can be found here:
- Exact and metaheuristic methods for a real-world examination timetabling problem
- A constraint programming model for the scheduling and workspace layout design o…
- RobTest : A CP Approach to Generate Maximal Test Trajectories for Industrial Ro…
- Scheduling of Dual-Arm Multi-Tool Assembly Robots and Workspace Layout Optimiza…
- Scheduling of Dual-Arm Multi-tool Assembly Robots and Workspace Layout Optimiza…
- Time-aware test execution scheduling for cyber-physical systems
- Combinatorial register allocation and instruction scheduling