Mats Westin Senior Forskare Tel +46 10 516 51 40 Email Location Borås Ask me about Ask me about Expertise Studies of Wood and Wood Handling By studying wood, one can obtain insights crucial for answering several important questions within the pulp and paper industry. One of these questions is whether it is possible to introduce new wood species into production while m… Expertise Sustainable wood protection The chemical substances used in wood protection to prevent rot, mold, and marine pests often contain biocidal products whose levels are increasingly being regulated by authorities nationally and internationally. RISE experts can h… Expertise Outdoor buildings in wood Wooden outdoor constructions include facades, wooden decks, balconies, bridges, posts and fences. Expertise Wood-based materials and products We develop products for a sustainable society with innovative wood-based materials for use in the built environment; outdoors, indoors and in marine environment.