Olov Ståhl Researcher Tel +46 10 228 43 21 Email olov.stahl@ri.se Location Kista Ask me about Ask me about Project Life Stories The project explored ways to make life stories accessible and present in the meeting between elder people, staff and relatives. The goal was to create a solution where well-being, social interaction and the opportunity to convey o… Project Piloting a digital ecosystem for education in the Armed Forces The purpose of the pilot is to test and further develop a digital learning ecosystem within the Swedish Armed Forces. The goal is to enhance functionality and value creation by collecting and utilizing data to strengthen operation… Project SARDIN SARDIN - System Demo, Analysis, Resource Efficiency, Data sharing, Privacy, Utilization - aims, in collaboration with stakeholders, to enable increased use of health data to facilitate research and innovation. The goal is to accel… Project TEF Health - supporting businesses to use AI solutions in health TEF Health is an EU project that aims to support small companies and organizations to use AI solutions in health. The project is coordinated from Charité, Medical University of Berlin, and the Swedish node is led by Karolinska Ins… Project Little NIRVANA LittleNIRVANA strives to reduce medical discomfort for children by developing an innovative, digital tool that applies and integrates several evidence-based, tailored principles based on the child's age and level of development. Project COSMO@HOME COSMO@HOME aims to develop a digital tool for children to prepare at home for upcoming MRI scans to avoid sedation during the scans themselves. Expertise Game design, development & gamification At RISE we work with games from a cross-disciplinary perspective. We design and develop games for a variety of use cases, both for educational and learning (so called educational and serious games), for leisure or to inspire behav…