Oskar Lundberg Tel +46 10 228 44 31 Email oskar.lundberg@ri.se Oskar has a masters of science in engineering physics, within scientific computing. He has experience with software development, machine learning and more. + Show more Ask me about Ask me about Project Certification of AI models RISE develops methods for certification and verification of AI models with respect to both security and functionality. Project Material efficient supply chains through decentralised 3D-printing The MATER-AM project aims to propel the transition towards resource-efficient, resilient and, circular supply chains within the framework of Swedish export companies. Through Additive Manufacturing (AM), the project aims to develo… Project SIMCON (System of Intelligent Connected Machines for Construction) The project aims to improve efficiency and increase production capacity in large construction and infrastructure projects, combined with an enhanced level of automation, improved safety, and a more sustainable production. The goal… Project Continued development of the food biodiversity database In this project, we continue to develop the database that makes visible the impact of different foods on biodiversity, much like an equivalent to RISE's climate database for food. Project Digital Earth Sweden The National Swedish Space Agency and RISE Research Institutes of Sweden extend their co-operation activities with the common goal to scale up the platform for the Swedish hub for space data, enabling Space Data Lab innovation act… Expertise Food biodiversity database A new food database is now being launched, with a focus on biodiversity. The biodiversity database functions as a complement to the RISE climate database for food.