Penny Bergman
Penny Bergman, Ph.D., is director for the unit of Perception and Design. The unit focuses on perception measures for all different senses, how something smell, taste or feels like. And how are the perception affected by a change to a product? Further the unit works with consumer behavior, how will a consumer understand a situation and what choices will they make?
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- Exploring seafood choices at the point of purchase among a sample of Swedish co…
- Does cooking ability affect consumer perception and appreciation of plant-based…
- Making More Sustainable Food Choices One Meal at a Time : Psychological and Pra…
- Ett digitalt system för ökad källsortering och engagemang i offentlig miljö
- Identifying barriers to decreasing meat consumption and increasing acceptance o…
- Utveckling av näringsladdad broccolisoppa
- Förstudie: Smart och klimatmedveten matbutik för morgondagens konsumenter och s…
- Off-peak low noise heavy-duty vehicles, facade insulation and indoor noise dist…
- Auditory-induced emotion mediates perceptual categorization of everyday sounds