Peter Andersson Ersman

Peter Andersson Ersman has been working with various projects within the fields of printed, bio- and organic electronics. The research education at Linköping University initiated the development of printed matrix-addressed displays based on electrochromic pixels and electrochemical transistors; an education that after the dissertation in Organic Electronics resulted in an employment at RISE Acreo as a research scientist and project manager. The work related to active and passive matrix addressed electrochromic displays, that successfully have been manufactured by printing tools, have resulted in several patent applications and journal publications. The most recent (July 2022) article on the topic of screen printed passive matrix addressed displays was published in Scientific Reports: The rise of electrochromics through dynamic QR codes and grayscale images in screen printed passive matrix addressed displays -
He is also responsible for R&D activities related to printed segment-based electrochromic displays and printed circuits based on organic electrochemical transistors that are being developed at RISE Acreo. The activities are therefore ranging from the improvement of transistor and display architectures to the development of manufacturing processes on a variety of substrates, see for example an article from August 2022 in Advanced Photonics Research on the topic of all-printed, all-organic electrochromic displays on transparent nanocellulose-based substrates:
Another important result covers the topic of monolithic integration of digital circuits and electrochromic displays, where all layers of the electronic system are deposited by screen printing. This work was published in Nature Communications in 2019: The printed integrated circuits, here exemplified by 4-7 decoders and 7-bit shift registers, contain more than 100 organic electrochemical transistors (OECTs), thereby providing evidence of the robustness of the printed OECT technology.
More information about previous and ongoing projects as well as publications are found in the links below.
- Electrochromic Passive Matrix Display Utilizing Diode-Like Redox Reactions on I…
- Toward Sustainability in All-Printed Accumulation Mode Organic Electrochemical …
- Screen-Printed Piezoelectric Sensors on Tattoo Paper Combined with All-Printed …
- Screen Printed Reflective Electrochromic Displays for Paper and Other Opaque Su…
- Reflective and Complementary Transmissive All-Printed Electrochromic Displays B…
- Electrochromic Displays Screen Printed on Transparent Nanocellulose-Based Subst…
- All-Printed Multilayers and Blends of Poly(dioxythiophene) Derivatives Patterne…
- All-Printed Electrochromic Stickers
- On-Demand Inkjet Printed Hydrophilic Coatings for Flow Control in 3D-Printed Mi…