Robin Olsson

Senior Scientist with broad experience in structural design of composite structures. The areas of expertise include damage tolerance of composites and modelling and testing of impact and crash loads on composites. Has also good knowledge in theory of sandwich structures, and modelling of damage initiation and growth in composites.
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- Rate dependent compressive failure and delamination growth in multidirectional …
- Experimental and numerical investigation on bearing behavior of hybrid thin/thi…
- Design, Manufacture, and Cryogenic Testing of a Linerless Composite Tank for Li…
- A micromechanics based model for rate dependent compression loaded unidirection…
- A unified physically-based finite deformation model for damage growth in compos…
- A micromechanically based model for dynamic damage evolution in unidirectional …
- Use of enriched shell elements compared to solid elements for modelling delamin…
- Development and validation of a finite deformation fibre kinking model for crus…
- A micromechanically based model for strain rate effects in unidirectional compo…
- Effect of strain rate at compressive and tensile loading of unidirectional plie…