Tim Johansson Forskare Tel +46 10 516 60 33 Email tim.johansson@ri.se ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8107-7768 Ask me about Ask me about Project Energy poverty - PhD project Energy poverty is a relatively new term in Sweden and needs to be mapped conceptually, geographically and in policy. This project is based on previous research in the group that worked with building stock analysis at RISE to map e… Project ASSURE - Adaptation of Urban Space through Sustainable Regeneration The graduate school ASSURE - Adaptation of urban Space through Sustainable Regeneration - will develop new knowledge about sustainable renovation and conversion of buildings, and neighborhoods. Project Segregation and investments in vulnerable areas In the project, safety and segregation are analyzed using register data and property owners' customer satisfaction surveys. The focus is on the housing stock owned by and the investments made by the property owners within Framtide… Project National Building specific Information The project genrates basic data for authorities about the Swedish building stock by merging and analyzing all complete building specific registers kept by Swedish authorities. Specifically we compare Energy Performance Certificate… Expertise Evaluation and visualization tools Data-driven digital decision support using interactive evaluation and visualization tools that quantify and visualize the effects (or non-effects) that arise from, for example, changed processes, the introduction of innovations an… Expertise Building Stock Analysis A small group of researchers at RISE have been producing decision support in evaluations of laws and legislation for the housing sector for Swedish authorities by the usage of merged national building registers. Energy efficiency,… Expertise GIS & Remote Sensing GIS and Remote Sensing are tools that can be used in projects that deal with, for example, population growth, heat loss, urban heat islands, gathering population opinion about certain areas using geographical location, urban densi…