Vedran Kovacevic works as a Project Manager and Business Developer at the Environmental Durability unit, which is part of the Electrification and Safety department in the Safety and Transport division.
At Environmental Durability, we work with mechanical and climatic testing of various types of products. Mechanical testing includes vibrations and shocks, and climatic testing refers to temperature tests or combined temperature and humidity testing. The products tested include batteries, electrical components, and much more. Most tests are conducted according to technical standards (IEC, ISO, UN, MIL-STD, ASTM) for which we are accredited, but we also conduct developmental tests where we can provide our technical expertise.
Vedran has a broad background with experience in project management, business development, R&D, and sales from various industries. His focus area is on project management and business development of safety-critical battery tests at the battery safety lab in Borås.
Keywords: Battery, Battery Testing, Li-ion, Climate, Climate Chamber, Climate Cabinet, Climate Testing, Humidity, Humidity Testing, Temperature, Temperature Chamber, Temperature Cabinet, Temperature Testing, Vibration, Mechanical Vibration, Vibration Testing, Mechanical Vibration Testing, Shock, Mechanical Shock, Shock Testing, Mechanical Shock Testing, Mechanics, Cold, Heat, Testing, Environmental Durability, Environmental Durability Testing