Contact person
Karin Nilsson
Contact KarinDetta tillfälle har vi tema Sjöfart – ett område i vilket det sker mycket utveckling, både i hamnar och ute till havs. Vi har samlat flera kunniga personer för att ge oss en inblick i nuläget vad gäller utmaningar och möjligheter.
Detta tillfälle har vi tema Sjöfart – ett område i vilket det sker mycket utveckling, både i hamnar och ute till havs. Vi har samlat flera kunniga personer för att ge oss en inblick i nuläget vad gäller utmaningar och möjligheter.
I denna utgåvan av akademisk roadtrip fokuserar vi på materialen i elektolysören och bränslecellen.
What is required to establish hydrogen production successfully? Where can hydrogen be produced? Many requirements must be met. Let us gather different perspectives on these questions and, at the same time, visit Sweden's largest site for green hydrogen production. At this event, we will have speakers from Naturvårdsverket, Svenska Kraftnät, Energimyndigheten and Länsstyrelsen Norrbotten, as well as H2 Green Steel, Nordion, Liquid Wind, Ovako and Adven to hear their experiences in establishing hydrogen production sites. The event will finish with a site visit to Ovako's electrolysis plant. Welcome!
In this academic road trip, we will focus on hydrogen as a fuel. We will get an introduction to the latest research on hydrogen combustion engines and turbines. What are the advantages and disadvantages?
Spännande event med sitebesök både inom summiten och specifikt för den svenska delegationen.
För mer information vänligen besök Swedish Delegation to World Hydrogen Summit in Rotterdam
Holland är ett land som är mycket intressant i vätgassammanhang.
Det finns en lång gastradition och det satsas expansivt på olika delar av vätgasens värdekedja.
Tillsammans med Holländska ambassaden och Business Sweden får vi en inblick i utvecklingen
Regeringen miljardsatsar på utveckling av svenskt inrikesflyg.
Från politiskt håll hörs att vi inte skall känna flygskam. Samtidigt måste utsläppen ner till nettonoll.
Hur går detta ihop? Vätgas är en del av lösningen – både för produktions av SAF och för direktdrift av flygplan.
Men var står utvecklingen av vätgasdrivna flygplan? Finns flygplan och infrastruktur på flygplatserna?
Låt oss träffa forskare, företag, flygplanstillverkare och flygplatser för att dyka djupt i möjligheterna.
Nedan hittar ni länk till presentationerna från workshoppen.
In this event we will get a roundtrip from some of Swedens leading academic within hydrogen for the transport sector. We will gain an outlook into hydrogen for propulsion both in turbines for aviation and internal combustion engines. What challenges come with the change to hydrogen within these technologies? Furthermore, we will compare hydrogen to other sustainable fuels with regard to both economics and the environment. Can hydrogen compete for heavy-duty transport?
In northern Sweden and Finland, hydrogen development is taking place rapidly. How can the regions work together to continue to take steps forward in hydrogen-related activities, research and building infrastructure?
The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) became US law on August 16, 2022. A significant part of the IRA is massive support for the clean energy sector, including hydrogen. The Government of Canada set out its commitment to developing a clean hydrogen economy in December 2020 when it published a Canadian Hydrogen Strategy. By 2050, the country intends to supply up to 30 percent of its energy in the form of hydrogen gas and become one of the top three producers of pure hydrogen globally.
In March 2023 Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) sent a revised version of the regulation regarding handling of flammable gases “MSBFS2020:1” for consultation. The revision focuses on new specific regulations for hydrogen handling, including a new appendix regarding safety distance for hydrogen. The documents, in Swedish, can be found here:
The purpose of this online event is to provide increased understanding, knowledge, and discussions on the current and upcoming regulations on safe hydrogen installations, but also to understand how this works in reality: both in installations and in permitting. What is new in the coming regulations on hydrogen handling, what can coming permitting processes and installations learn from previous installations, and how can we continue the development of this important topic?
Welcome to this event by Swedish Hydrogen Development Center on safe hydrogen installations!
One year ago, the Danish government agreed on a Power-to-X strategy to accelerate the development of green hydrogen and e-fuels and put Denmark in a leading European position. What has happened since the agreement, and which plans are being realized? What is the status of the coming energy islands (with a special focus on Bornholm), electricity generation and pipelines?
The purpose of this online event is to provide the latest updates, an understanding, and interest in the hydrogen and Power-to-X development in Denmark.
Welcome to this event by Swedish Hydrogen Development Center on a Danish Outlook.
Short break