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Smart chemical processes - Process 4.0

By digitising chemical processes, we can now develop new processes as well as optimise existing ones much more efficiently than what was previously possible.

With cutting-edge expertise in both chemical process development and digitisation, we help you and your organisation to optimise production while reducing resource and energy use. RISE also offers a strong ability to combine different research areas in order to find new solutions.

With smart sensors to detect measurement points, algorithms to adjust chemical processes, and our experts to interpret results, we help to increase the pace of development of your chemical processes. All process and measurement data are logged and made available to you as a customer, in a format and in a way that suits your organisation’s needs and preferences.

For smart chemical processes, we have expertise in the collection, processing and sharing of large amounts of data, development and implementation of sensors, development of new data models, and development and optimisation of chemical processes.