Contact person
Eleonora Borén
Innovations- och processledare
Contact EleonoraThe R&D Council task is to promote new ideas for products and processes in the field of biorefinery. Through R&D Council, members of Processums member association as well as other companies and organizations can receive support for carrying out interesting R&D activities together with Processum.
Processum is constantly looking for new ideas. Feel free to contact one of our employees to discuss ideas or to get advice on whether your idea fits within the R&D Council or if we can help you further in any other way.
The proposals to the R&D Council can be in different stages, from complete project proposals that can be evaluated and decided immediately, to ideas in an early stage where feedback is desired regarding potential and structure.
The members of the R&D Council are appointed by Processum's board and consist of representatives of regional industry, academy and Processum's CEO. The Council meets approximately four times a year.
We encourage contact for advice and discussion with RISE Processum's staff early on in the work with proposals for R&D activities. Remember to be careful with formalities to avoid wasting time on unnecessary re-referrals.
Templates and instructions for how to describe and submit proposals can be found here:
Bedömningskriterier för FoU-rådet (pdf, 187.17 KB)
Mall för aktivitetsförslag Processums FoU-råd (docx, 59.89 KB)
Budgetmall Excel till aktivtetsförslag (xlsx, 23.28 KB)
Villkor för samarbeten inom FoU-rådet (pdf, 296.78 KB)
Below we have listed future deadlines for submitting collaboration proposals to Processum's R&D council 2025. Cooperation proposals should be sent to: If you have any questions or concerns, please contact one of our employees for more information.