Contact person
Eleonora Borén
Innovations- och processledare
Contact EleonoraProcessum's R&D Council provides financial support for the realisation of innovative ideas for biobased products and processes in the biorefinery sector, strengthening companies in their bioeconomy development. Through the R&D Council, members of Processum's Interest Group as well as other companies can receive support, for example to generate experimental data for validation, prototypes or techno-economic studies for up-scaling and commercialisation.
Processum's R&D Council supports demand-driven research. Ideas must be based on a real research and development need and have a clear technical, commercial and market potential. Examples of activities include research and development for value chains in food, feed, biochemicals, biomaterials and biofuels, or for more resource-efficient and safer production processes.
The R&D activities will be carried out as collaborative activities involving at least two participating companies in addition to Processum. In addition, academia, universities, colleges and teaching institutes as well as interest groups are welcome to participate in order to strengthen the collaborative activities. The activities aim to strengthen regional bio-economy development and networking, where the activity directly or indirectly contributes to establishing or deepening cooperation with strategically important partners, leading to increased innovation and resource attraction.
Processum's R&D Council holds three calls per year. Proposals received are assessed by Processum's R&D Council, which consists of representatives from regional industry, collaborating academia and RISE Processum's CEO.
Contact us for guidance in your application process.
Templates and instructions for how to describe and submit proposals can be found here:
Bedömningskriterier för FoU-rådet (pdf, 187.17 KB)
Mall för aktivitetsförslag Processums FoU-råd (docx, 59.89 KB)
Budgetmall Excel till aktivtetsförslag (xlsx, 23.28 KB)
Villkor för samarbeten inom FoU-rådet (pdf, 296.78 KB)
Below we have listed future deadlines for submitting collaboration proposals to Processum's R&D council 2025. Cooperation proposals should be sent to: If you have any questions or concerns, please contact one of our employees for more information.