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Karin Johnson
Verkställande direktör
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IB: ACCEL is conducted by RISE and the project's approach is largely based on a model developed by Processum, where the core of the work is to initiate, conduct and support needs-driven research and innovation in collaboration with industry, academia and society. Every year, the project publishes a popular science project report. In the report you can read about what happened in the project, about different collaborations and events.
Fish feed often consists of fish or soy meal. It is not sustainable when the production of farmed fish increases. RISE Processum and RISE PFI have developed a method for making fish feed from sustainable protein sources from the forest. The international project FISK connected actors so that the production of fish feed based on forest raw materials can become a reality, the project ended on 30/9 2022.
IB: ACCEL is conducted by RISE Processum and the project's approach is largely based on a model developed by Processum, where the core of the work is to initiate, conduct and support needs-driven research and innovation in collaboration with industry, academia and society. Every year, the project publishes a popular science project report. In the report you can read about what happened in the project, about different collaborations and events.
IB: ACCEL is conducted by RISE Processum and the project's approach is largely based on a model developed by Processum, where the core of the work is to initiate, conduct and support needs-driven research and innovation in collaboration with industry, academia and society. Every year, the project publishes a popular science project report. In the report you can read about what happened in the project, about different collaborations and events.
Take a look at our exciting publications to get to know Processum Biorefinery Cluster even better!
How can we use residual flows from the forest industry to create new sustainable products and solutions? The international project Green Bioraff Solutions focuses on refining residual streams, mainly sawdust, bark and fiber sludge. Read more about the project in this report.
Region Västernorrland's innovation strategy for smart specialization. In this publication, RISE Processum is mentioned as an innovation and research actor and also the cluster activities that RISE Processum conducts.